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BeyondBipolar e-Newsletter

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I am spitting mad that I keep hearing people with advanced degrees and people with extreme giftedness but no degrees are stopped short in their tracks due to misinformation. This mythology deserves to be busted, so people with bipolar disorder can claim their right to be contributing members in society through work and to fulfill their dreams through education. So here are my myth busters for those of you who want to work or complete your education:

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If you are not yet signed up for the email list, please do so by clicking on the Join Newsletter List button provided above. The archive of previous issues can be found at the bottom of this page.

If you wish to use articles for your website or to print more than 50 copies, please ask permission by emailing

Archived below are previous issues of BeyondBipolar E-Newsletter:

Wellness and the Wasp

When we have an illness, we find healing in telling the story of our experience. We tell our story to ourselves and to others. Each of us tells it in our own words. Our family and communities
also join in the telling. Telling the story is necessary on some level for healing to occur.

Breaking Bipolar Disorder’s Back

These days I hear the spring birds singing in the morning, and my response is, “winter’s back is broken.” I know that no matter how much snow can pile upon us, winter’s back is truly broken Even if the weather twists into a cold snap, my refrain is that winter’s back is certainly broken. And what of bipolar disorder? Can its back be broken in our lives? How do we come through the storms of mood without losing hope for the coming springtime of wellness?

Bipolar Disorder, Type II — How is it like Rodney Dangerfield?

Rodney Dangerfield was an American comedian and actor best known for his catchphrase, “I don’t get no respect”. It can seem the same with Type II bipolar disorder. So what is the power of bipolar disorder, Type II? How is it different from Type I? Why is it a challenging diagnosis?

Beyond Bipolar —7 Steps to Wellness. Excerpt: Manage! (BeyondBipolar e-Newsletter2.2

This newsletter is an excerpt from Dr. Mountain's new book, Beyond Bipolar—7 Steps to Wellness. It is about finding ways to manage and not just cope.

Meeting the Family of Medications and 10 Quick Tips for Managing Medications (BeyondBipolar e-Newesletter 2.1)

Under the best of circumstances, psychiatric medications are easy to use. More commonly they are a wild family of cousins that don't behave the same for each person. Patience is required to find the right combination of medications.

Sailing Through the Holidays (BeyondBipolar e-Newsletter 1.3)

This newsletter presents two articles about celebrating the holidays while living with bipolar disorder. The first is for individuals with bipolar disorder and the second is for their family and friends.

Elements of Successful Support and Recovery Groups (BeyondBipolar e-Newsletter 1.2)

Whether you are someone with bipolar disorder or a supporter of someone else, this newsletter presents tips to help you identify a support group that is focussing on recovery.

Hope Is Where the Health Is (BeyondBipolar e-Newsletter 1.1)

In the midst of the challenges of bipolar, hope is elusive. But beginning to nurture hope is the first step in finding mental wellness. A diagnosis of bipolar can be frightening. Our experiences can be confounding. But hope can take us in the direction away from our fears since hope is where the health is.




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Jane Mountain, MD
Phone: 303.329.3364
P.O. Box 300039
Denver, Colorado 80203-0039

